Welcome to Himbonomics!
I started this newsletter to release The Triumph of Janet, a long-form essay on the state of British politics in 2022 (hint: it’s not going all that well.)
Apparently the message, the humour and the style of the post struck a chord — the reader response was huge, and went way beyond my initial expectations!
Data are vital to understand the world. But I think they are typically communicated poorly, with little thought to the non-initiated.
So I looked to inject the chart-heavy post with iconoclastic humour and describe the data in a informal, but clear manner, to break up and lubricate the message. A human explanation for human readers.
The reception to my first foray into writing about politics behoved me to continue. So here we are. Musings on politics, society and culture will follow. I hope you enjoy!
Why subscribe?
With a subscription, each of you has clearly implied I have something interesting and valuable to say, and I really appreciate that.
I want to repay that investment in me by continuing to write about subjects that intrigue in on this medium, covering ideas that are less commercial for political magazines but still have an important message.
A free subscription means you will receive an email update and notification each time a new post comes out, including links to articles on other platforms, along with full access to articles and the ability to comment below.
Paid subscriptions
Because I cannot commit to posting here on a defined, regular schedule, while I have enabled paid subscriptions (upon the advice of a kind subscriber), I will be keeping all posts free.
That said, I’ve enabled paid subscriptions for anyone that would like to support this newsletter and the hours that go into researching, developing and writing posts!
I think this is the fairest approach – one that allows paid subscribers to give additional thanks for the content – but without setting strong expectations on either side. Himbonomics is, for me, led by ideas, not finances.