Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022Liked by James

The modern Conservative party is not something Edmund Burke or Disraeli would recognise. Repetitive purges of any talent with a coherent ideology (e.g. Rory Stuart) has left the party with two of the same copy of an outdated allele.

The Conservatives have formed a symbiotic fantasy with their base. In this fantasy the most pertinent issues are "woke", immigration, trans-athletes, net zero, brexit. The last time I spoke to a pensioner they ranted for an hour and a half about the quality of the "Polish" workmanship on their indoor blinds.

Anyone participating in the real economy, and not the index-linked+3% fantasy world, understands what the real issues are; nearly intuitively.

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You need to take a look at the SDP. Don’t ‘spend’ your vote, ‘invest’ it in the future.

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You need to take a look at the SDP. Don’t ‘spend’ your vote, ‘invest’ it in the future.

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I agree with everything apart from this:

> Empowering individuals to live their life on their terms.

You say that these are the values you believe in, but it's exactly this attitude that you (rightly, imo) spend the rest of the article railing against. The boomers want to live their life their way, which in their case means stopping nearby developments from getting planning permission and also voting for pensions that let them go on holiday four times a year.

Conservativism is founded on the assumption that there is a right way of living, and that way doesn't involve irresponsible consumerism or usury. It prefers to let people find the right way to the target, but not to pick the target for themselves. The boomers are wrong not because they're stopping young people from 'living life on their terms' but because they're building up debt and discouraging young people from forming families.

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Negative externalities and the natural conflict they create between libertarian governance and social outcomes is an interesting topic that I might cover in the near future.

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It isn't living life on their terms - it's imposing themselves on others and dictating terms.

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There's no such thing as an action that doesn't involve imposing on other people. That's a libertarian fantasy. Good actions make reasonable impositions, bad actions make unreasonable impositions

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Their actions only amount to anything because they're backed up by state compulsion.

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